Mitch Bell
Mitchell Thomas Bell was born on August 15, 1907 and died on March 8, 1964 in Greensboro, NC at the age of 56.
He was survived by his wife, Ruth Richert Bell; Mother, Nora Sale Bell; and two sons, Thomas Vance Bell and wife, Barbara Lashley Bell; and Ramon Neil Bell and wife, Maria Maness Bell; He has five Grandchildren; Vicki, Christi and Thomas Vance Bell, III (Thomas Vance and Barbara's children); and Natalie Maria and Mitchell Thomas Bell, II (Ramon & Maria's children.)
Mitchell was an outdoorsman.. a fisherman and a hunter. He passed this legacy onto his two sons, Thomas (Vance) and Ramon.
| 7.29.2009 |
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I had just begun bowhunting a few years before my father passed away in 1964. But, I was a hunter and a fisherman from the earliest times I can remember, and I owe that to my father taking me hunting and fishing at an early age. I cherish memories of daylong fishing excursions with my father, mother, brother, grandmother (Nora "Mammy" Sale Bell)... and other relatives and family friends, to local lakes in the Greensboro area. I also remember many hunting trips with my father, mostly for small game such as squirrel, rabbit and quail. Dad kept a couple good bird dogs all his life and we really enjoyed many days afield together in the years prior to his early and untimely death. Deer were not in great abundance in North Carolina in the 1940's, 50's and ealy 60's before he passed away, but we did go on a few deer hunts together.
My father, Mitchell, was not a bowhunter. Modern bowhunting was in it's infancy in the late 1950's and early 1960's when I first hunted deer with bow and arrow. He hunted deer in the eastern section of the state near Columbia, NC and the "Frying Pan Shoals" and "Alligator River" areas, and was successful in taking several deer there with gun in the late 1940's and early 1950's. He nor I knew of the "affair" and love I would eventually discover and adopt with the sport of bowhunting. I don't know what he would think about it, but I'm sure he wouldn't oppose or object to it.
In loving memory.. Your son, Ramon N. Bell
| 7.29.2009 |