Stanislav Janoch
'Stan' Janoch passed away in April of 2013. He was a native of the Czech Republic. He indicated to friends that if anything happened to him, he wanted to leave his bows and archery equipment to his NCBA Local Chapter Club, which was �Stick and Wheel Archery Club.� When his estate was administered, this property was turned over to Ms. Jean Curry. It consisted of 21 traditional bows made by �Alex Bows� which is located in the Czech Republic. Richard Shields, president of Stick and Wheel Archery Club, and their officers voted to donate the bows to the North Carolina Bowhunters Association (NCBA). All but six of the 21 bows were sold by the end of the Dixie Deer Classic in Raleigh, NC on March 2, 2014. Six bows remain at this time. These bows will be turned over to Mr. Robert Brookman of DropTine Archery in Advance, NC to be sold.
Archery was a very important part of Stan�s life. NCBA appreciates his and his club�s generosity in donating these bows to us. The proceds from donations like this will go into our Memorial Fund to be used to help purchase and develop a NCBA Bowhunting educational facility.
| 07-30-2014 |